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Europe Role
Publication date: 2025-02-19

Europe's Role in Today's World

Zelensky and the supporting him European leaders are talking about "Europe" playing a role in the US proposed Ukraine peace talks. But what roles have they played in this century wars and peace around the world?

In this context "Europe" does not mean the European Continent, nor all the countries comprised within it, but a group of European countries, the governments of which have played a role in causing and continuing the Ukraine War up to now.

They, together with the previous US governments and NGOs, caused it by:

  1. continuation of the US &Co Cold War against the USSR after the USSR was dissolved in 1991, this time against the Russian Federation;
  2. preparation and execution of an anti-Russian regime-change in 2014, which has resulted in a civil war between the Ukrainian Russian separatists and the nationalist Ukrainian governments;
  3. failure to recognize the decision of the People of Crimea to leave Ukraine and join the Russian Federation in 2014.
  4. failure to negotiate with the Russian Federation a common European security agreement, proposed by the Russian Federation in 2021;
  5. prodding the Ukrainian Government to fight Russia, when they were about to make a peace agreement with it.
  6. supporting the continuation of the Ukraine war by financing and arming Ukraine.

Has this role played by "Europe" in the Ukraine war been conducive to peace in Ukraine?

But European role-playing has not been limited to Ukraine. They played roles in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen. And in all these wars peace did not come, until the Europeans withdrew and stopped playing roles.

They have also been playing roles in the Middle East Conflict since the inception of the idea of creating a Jewish state in Palestine in 1917. And their roles have not brought peace in the area up to now. Not even their "standing with Israel" by bankrolling the present Gaza war.

So, if the European role playing has been causing wars, rather than bringing peace, then what role should they play to bring peace in Ukraine?

To bring peace, the war-supporting Europeans, need to stop supporting the Ukraine War and let the Americans end the war and make real peace with the Russians, as they intend to do.

Russia did not start the Ukraine War, but reacted to the hostile to it "European" activities in Ukraine. Now, America, Russia, China are ready for global peace. And, this peace cannot be prevented by any European role-playing. The "Europeans" need to wash their brains of all the false narratives they have been deluding themselves with, otherwise they will be swept aside, as it happened to the Biden administration with their obsolete Old Cold War mindsets.

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