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The Alternative to Wars, Terrorism and Politics

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Issues in World Government - Politics

Articles on Government and Politics (sorted alphabetically)
A Strawman Fallacy (2007-11-18)
An Example of the Strawman Fallacy Argument and of How to Deal with It.
Afghan Peace (2021-08-20)
Accidental Peace and How to Make it Last?
Amending Article 50? (2016-11-15)
"Why UK Must Amend Article 50 and How
American Isolation (2011-10-04)
The Two-State Solution and American Isolation
Anti-Semitism (2012-05-07)
Anti-Semitism - Old, New, and the One to Come
Are Results of Wars Predictable? (2006-12-31)
The new American Secretary of Defence has made an interesting observation, saying that once a war is started, its outcome becomes unpredictable ...
Are the War-on-Terror Wars Over? (2014-12-31)
Is the NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan the End of the War-on-Terror?
Arithmetic and Vocabulary of Wars (2009-09-06)
When 200 is Greater than 383,700
Asylum, Immigration and Freedom of Movement (2002-05-25)
Asylum and immigration problems and solutions ...
Biden on Palestine (2021-05-24)
Can Palestinian Statehood End the ME Conflict?
Biden What Next? (2021-04-27)
What is America Back to under Biden?
Blair Apology and Punishment (2004-09-29)
Is Tony Blair's apology good enough, and how to punish him for his crimes?
Blair Argument (2005-07-22)
The differences between political argument and logical argument
BoBMA Discovered (2018-07-24)
The Discovery of the Bottom Baring Method of Argument
Brexit Deal (2016-09-05)
Brexit Deal and the Life After
Brexit How? (2016-09-16)
Sample Notice to Terminate Membership of the EU
Brexit Mess (2016-08-05)
Brexit Mess - How to Sort It Out
Brexit Negotiations (2016-10-13)
Who Should Have Say in the Brexit Negotiations
Brexit Uncertainties (2016-07-19)
Brexit Uncertainties and How to Remove Them
Brexit When? (2016-08-18)
The Earliest Date of the UK Leaving the EU
Brexit Why (2016-10-20)
Brexit - the Reasons and the Purpose
British Children to be Sodomized at School at Taxpayers Expense - Why? (2003-03-19)
The duties of government ... and was Section 28 necessary?
British Courts Reform (2013-05-30)
Should the British Law Courts be Privatised?
Blair Hypocrisy and the Way to Greatness (2003-02-22)
Tony Blair went to see the Pope to convince him of the morality of his war against Iraq ... and how Tony can achieve Greatness ...
Can Mitt Romney Win? (2012-06-12)
How Mitt Romney Can Win the 2012 Elections with a Landslide
Can Obama Win? (2012-10-19)
How Obama Can Win the 2012 Elections with a Landslide
Can the British Conservatives Rise back from the Ashes? (2003-10-30)
How can the British conservatives become a party of government?
Can the Iraq War be Stopped Now? (2003-04-01)
How the Iraq war can be stopped now without embarrassing Bush and Blair.
Can the Liberals Form the Next British Government? (2003-02-17)
With the continuous loss of credibility by the Blair government and the self-destruction of the Conservatives, the question arises ...
Can the UN Stabilize Iraq? Or can the US? (2004-05-20)
How the US can legitimize their presence in Iraq and stabilize it.
Can the US defeat the IS? (2014-09-26)
Can the US war against IS bring peace to the world?
Can Trump Save US? (2016-08-11)
Can Donald Trump Save the USA and the World?
Church and State in Islam (2003-01-03)
... the current preoccupation by European and American experts and politicians with the issue of Church and State in Islam ... . But what is Church and State in Islam?
Cleaning Up Politics and the Elections (2010-03-11)
With the British Elections Approaching Politicians Promise to Clean Up Politics
Cluelessness (2016-12-28)
Cluelessness in Modern Politics
Cold War 2? (2021-06-20)
Cold War - what it was and is it now?
Collapse of Communism - Lessons for Today and Tomorrow (2012-04-12)
Why Communism Collapsed and Why It Lasted So Long
Covid-19 Opportunities (2020-04-04)
Is Covid-19 Disaster or Opportunity?
Crimes and War Crimes (2005-07-23)
The difference between war crimes and crimes committed by military personnel
Crisis of Blairism or Crisis of Politics? (2003-07-15)
Blairism - what it is and where it will lead.
Definition of Terrorism (2002-07-14)
The word 'terrorism' defined non-politically.
Donald Trump and Islam (2016-08-14)
Is Donald Trump an Enemy of Islam?
Education - Public or Private? (2002-07-05)
There is much fuss in the media about private tuition, but the real issue is ...
Education - Success or Failure? (2002-04-24)
Tony Blair says that his education policies have been successful. I do not know what are his criteria of success ...
Elections Apathy (2005-04-28)
Is the British electorate really apathetic?
Error of Judgement (2018-11-21)
Errors of Judgement - Correction and Prevention
Europe Role (2025-02-18)
Europe's Role in Today's World
Faking IS and Altruism (2014-10-09)
IS a psy-op? Ebola a hoax? Altruism fake?
False Moral Equivalence (2003-04-08)
Understanding the doctrine of False Moral Equivalence.
Fire Strike, Pickets, Blair Vision and Respect for Property (2002-11-22)
Examining the rights and wrongs of the fire-fighters dispute using the tools of truth, honesty and justice.
Forces of Good and Evil (2013-05-31)
Are the Taliban a Force for Good in the World?
From New Labour to New Politics (2010-05-25)
Is the New Politics Coalition the End of the Win-Lose Cycle?
Funding Politics in Britain? (2002-04-17)
Politicians want the British public to finance their party politics from taxes ...
Gambling in Games, Business, Wars, and Politics (2009-10-05)
Insights into a Gambler's Mind
Games Politicians Play (2003-02-10)
Most people do not behave in a sincere straight-forward way, but play games ... an insight in gamy behaviour in modern politics.
Gaza Opportunity (2024-01-24)
Ending the Middle East Conflict in 2024
Gaza Protests, Reactions, Solution (2009-01-08)
Most people react to current events ... But what's the solution?
Gaza Responsibility (2021-05-15)
Who Is Responsible for the Middle East Violence?
Getting the Job Done in Iraq (2004-06-02)
Completing the Job in Iraq, and Keeping George Bush and Tony Blair in Office.
Gordon Brown and the Elections (2010-03-11)
The Lessons of the Iraq War Inquiry So Far, and their Impact on the Looming British Elections
Governing Iraq and Governing the World (2003-04-10)
With the government of Saddam Hussain destroyed who will govern Iraq and who will govern the World?
Government Advisers and Spin Doctors (2009-04-16)
The Differences between Government Advisers and Spin Doctors and an Advice to Gordon Brown relating to the McBride Affair
Government Errors (2017-08-14)
Errors, Apologies and Government
Government without Politics (2002-02-04)
Political government has been with us for so long that most people don't know the difference between 'politics' and 'government' ...
Graffiti - Art or Crime? (2004-08-13)
The politicals want to crack down on graffiti ... But what is graffiti?
Homosexual Marriages - Modernity or Peak of Absurdity? (2002-11-06)
A closer look at the issue of adoption of children by homosexual couples from prime principles.
Homosexuality - Crime, Sin, Mental Illness, Inborn Abnormality or Alternative Lifestyle? (2003-01-08)
Explanation of homosexuality from prime principles in historical and political setting.
House Prices and the Politics of Housing (2002-08-15)
With the house prices going through the roof, politicians and journalists are jumping up to identify the problems and offer their solutions ... But ...
How Tony Blair Got Caught in His Own Trap and How to Get out of It (2003-03-12)
How Tony Blair can get out of his self-made Iraq War predicament.
How to Resolve the British Fire Dispute (2002-11-24)
The solution to the problem to the current Fire Strike is obvious, but all the parties concerned cannot see it ...
Human Element (1) (2019-07-06)
The Human Element Obstacle to Peace in Palestine (1)
Human Element (2) (2019-07-06)
The Human Element Obstacle to Peace in Palestine (2)
Images of the Yemen War (2015-06-04)
Images of the Yemen War from a Yemeni Private Person
Impartiality (2004-12-18)
Illustrating impartiality ...
Individual Freedom and the Duty to Educate (2003-02-24)
The dialogue reflecting different views of freedom and morality continues ...
Iran War and the Days After (2012-01-16)
Why the West Wants to Attack Iran and What this Attack will Achieve
Iran Withdrawal from NPT (2012-01-06)
Why Iran Should Withdraw from the NPT and How
Iraq Handover - What Next? (2004-06-29)
Why the Iraq handover has not stopped the differences over the war.
Iraq War Inquiry (2009-06-17)
Is an Iraq War inquiry necessary, and will it save Gordon Brown?
Is Homosexuality Good or Bad? (2011-12-21)
The Morality of Homosexuality, War on Terror, and Foreign Aid
Is the Saddam Hussain Verdict Just? (2006-11-06)
Resolving the argument about the verdict of Saddam Hussain ... mathematically.
Is the Trump ME Plan Good for US? (2020-02-02)
Will the Trump Peace Plan End the Conflict?
Islamic Government (2011-12-23)
Are Islamic Governments Dangerous?
Islamic Trends in US and British Governments (2003-12-22)
Some Islamic trends in US and British government policies ...
Jack Straw and the Veil (2006-10-08)
Does Jack Straw know what is good for him?
Judeo-Christian (Christeo-Judean) Tradition and Islam (2003-05-14)
The idea of a Judeo-Christian Tradition has been in fashion for some time ... But what is ... ?
Justice for Palestine (2019-07-06)
Obstacles to Peace in Palestine and How to Overcome Them
Justice through the Ages (2001-12-12)
An overview of the evolution of administration of justice from tribal chiefs to independent courts, to the modern politicized justice, and to the formalized abstract justice of the World Court of Justice.
Legalities of Brexit (2018-12-03)
Legal and Logical Fallacies of the Brexit Saga
Legitimacy of Governments (2003-03-18)
An overview of methods and techniques used by governments to justify their powers and actions.
Lessons of Wars (2018-05-13)
Learning from Thatcher and Putin
Litvinenko - Another Victim of Politics (2006-11-26)
War on Terror and the Litvinenko Affair.
Making Sense of Brexit (2016-07-03)
The Practical Consequences of UK Leaving the EU
May's Brexit (2016-10-24)
Turning Brexit Optimism into Certainty
Morality: Past & Present (2016-07-01)
Morality: from its Origin to the Present Day
Moving On from the Blair Wars (2008-05-25)
Can the Labour Party Win the Next Elections without a Nuremberg?
National Sovereignty - Who Needs It? (2003-05-26)
With the emergence of multi-national entities, like the European Union, and the American War on Terror some people bemoan the loss of sovereignty by nation states ...
North Korea Nukes (2018-04-24)
North Korea Nukes in the Eyes of the Western Media
Obama's Afghan Politics (2009-03-09)
The Reasons and Consequences of Obama's Afghan Surge
Obama and the Middle East Conflict (2009-08-13)
Obama's Attempts to Solve the Middle East Conflict
Obama on Destroying IS (2015-12-07)
Comments on President Obama's Presidential Address on Destroying IS
Opinions, Convictions, and Reality (2004-07-15)
Finding the guilty party between the lines of the Butler Report.
Osama and Omar Speak Again and Panic Grips London and New York - What Next? (2003-02-13)
With the War on Terror heating up from every side, where will it all take Mankind ...
Own Goal (2011-10-16)
The Losers and Winners of the Iran Plot Affair
Pacifying Iraq (2004-11-30)
Does Iraq need an elections, and of what kind ...
Paedophilia in Islam (2011-07-22)
The Difference between Paedophilia and Early Marriage
Patriotism and the Love of Wars (2003-03-16)
With the opposition to the American war against Iraq growing in Britain and the US, will it change into patriotism, once the war begins? And ... what is patriotism, anyway?
Patterns of Crimes and Politics, and the Way to Victory (2003-03-30)
Behavioural patterns in the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, and how the US could have won the war.
People Power (2007-06-24)
Can People Power Cure Democracy?
Playing by the Rules (2004-08-09)
Tony Blair accepts the need to play by the rules ... What next?
Police Suspect Detention Time (2005-08-07)
Why the time limit for detention of suspects by the police should be extended and with what safeguards
Political Arguments (2017-02-22)
Anatomy of a Political Argument
President Trump World Peace (2018-08-07)
The Way to Donald Trump World Peace
Preventing Hung Parliament (2010-02-22)
Why Hung Parliament and How to Avoid It
Prisons - Do They Work? (2004-10-07)
Politicians are talking about prisons, but how do they work, and what are the alternatives ...
Private and Public (2002-02-04)
The arguments about 'public' and 'private' dominated much of the 20th century and there is still no clarity what should be 'public' and what should be 'private' ...
Proclaiming Wars (2007-07-05)
Who Should Have the Right to Proclaim Wars.
Purpose of Sex (2018-08-10)
The Modern Western View of Sex and of its Purpose
Questions for the Iraq War Inquiry Team (2009-08-14)
How to Avoid Another Whitewash
Raising the Standards of Politics? (2002-03-19)
In connection with recent preoccupation with sleaze in Britain a journalist wrote an article in a British national daily entitled: "Raising the Standards of Politics in Britain". But is such thing possible?
Religious Differences (2016-07-01)
Why Religious Differences and How to Resolve Them
Resolving Conflict Between Religion and Politics (2003-07-27)
Answering the question: "What are the possibilities for resolving conflict between religion and politics?"
Right v Left or Right v Wrong? (2002-04-25)
The turmoil in France at the electoral success of Jean-Marie Le Pen was echoed in Britain and all over Europe. The reason for the turmoil is that Le Pen is described as "far-right", while most other governments in Europe are described as "left", "center-left", "center", or "center-right" ...
Response to President Obama re: Syria (2013-09-12)
Response to President Obama's Message on Syria
Saving Brexit (2019-04-09)
How EU Can Save Brexit and UK without Cliff Edge
Secret Trials (2005-08-18)
Tony Blair is calling for secret trials ... Why?
Should Blair Listen and Obey? (2004-06-16)
Tony Blair is accused of not listening, but is this the real problem?
Should the British Conservatives Hurry? (2004-10-10)
There have been some signs of revival of the British Conservatives, but should they hurry ...
Should the Immigrants "Integrate"? (2002-04-24)
Riots in the North of England, and the anti-Muslim hysteria whipped up as part of the "War on Terror" campaign pushed the question of "integration" of the immigrants into the British Culture onto the 'political' agenda. And now with the electoral panic in France the issue is even more in the news ...
Single Market and Brexit (2016-10-15)
EU "Single Market" and "Soft" and "Hard" Brexits
Solving Israel Palestinian Conflict in 2009 (2009-01-27)
Can George Mitchell and Obama Succeed, and How?
Spinning Another War? (2002-09-06)
Now that Bush and Blair are seeking to sell the World another War, it is time to examine their selling techniques ... .
Stopping Terror in 2017 (2017-01-31)
Ending the Global Chaos of the Bush/Obama Years
Stopping Ukraine War in 2025 (2025-01-26)
How Donald Trump Can End the Ukraine War in 2025
Stopping Zionism (2012-06-08)
Can Zionism be Stopped and How?
Syria Action by US/UK/Fr (2018-04-17)
WCJ Comments on "Syria action - UK government legal position"
Talking to the Taliban (2010-02-07)
Talks in the Present Afghan War and What Can They Achieve
Taxing the Rich and Understanding Social Justice (2003-06-25)
Can taxing the rich make us all better off?
The Arithmetic of the Afghan War (2006-08-20)
How Many Troops are Needed to Win the Afghan War?
The Friends and Enemies of Israel (2012-03-21)
Are the Friends of Israel its Real Enemies?
The Gay, the Straight, and the Potty-Trained (2009-10-26)
Early-Age Attractions, the Essence of Sin and Virtue, and the Dialogue of Religions
The Meaning of Illegal (2012-01-20)
The Meaning of Illegal and the Missing Law
The Middle East Settlement 2005 (2005-01-03)
Is peace in the Middle East still possible ...
The Moral Stance of Tony Blair on the Iraq War (2003-02-19)
Having failed to justify the American War against Iraq on the grounds of disarmament Tony Blair turned to morality ... and has failed again ... Why?
The Politics of National Values (2015-04-06)
Are British Values Incompatible with Islamic Values?
The Politics of Pensions (2002-07-12)
Pensions are again in the news in Britain ...
The Real Issue in the de Menezes Case (2006-07-22)
Who's to Blame for the Killing of de Mensezes?
The Real Issue in the Forest Gate Case (2006-06-18)
The changes in the role of the British Police.
The Resigning Game and Should Blair Quit? (2004-02-09)
The BBC bosses resigned and some say Blair should ... but what are resignations?
The Rights and Wrongs of the Trade Unions (2002-07-24)
The British trade unions are again in the news, and so are "strikes", "trade union powers", and something called "industrial relations" ... But what are ...?
The Rise of the British Fuehrer? (2004-03-07)
Has Tony Blair changed the British Constitution?
The Sincerity of Lying by Politicians and Learning to Discover the Truth (2003-02-09)
On sincerity and lies of politicians, and the ways of not becoming their victim ... and the traditional Blair dossiers ...
The Secret of Saddam's WMD and Establishing Trust in Government (2003-06-09)
Has the British public been mislead by Tony Blair? ... and Trusting Government.
The Trial of Saddam Hussain (2003-12-16)
Saddam Hussain has been captured by the Americans and is to be put on trial ...
The Veil and the Plight of the Unveiled Woman (2002-01-14)
Why do Muslim women cover their heads, faces and bodies?
The Victims of 9/11 (2001-2013) (2013-09-09)
The Victims of the War on Terror (2001-2013) - and Still Counting ...
The War for Peace? (2002-04-21)
Can "War on Terror" bring peace? Yes, it can. But not in the way intended by those who wage it ...
The Way to Middle East Peace Now (2018-08-05)
Directions on Establishing Peace in the Middle East Now
The Way to Peace on the Korean Peninsula Now (2018-05-25)
How and Why to Establish Peace on the Korean Peninsula Now
The Wig, the Shoe, and Mathematics (2005-08-22)
The politics of stunt and mathematical logic.
Three Years of Wars and Terror - What Next? (2004-09-10)
What will stop the escalating cycle of wars and terror, and when ...
Tony Blair Politics for 2003 (2003-01-05)
Tony Blair politics for 2003 on Iraq, Palestine, and War on Terror used to illustrate the differences between politics and government.
Treason, Terrorism and Tony Blair (2005-08-08)
Are terrorists and Tony Blair guilty of treason?
Trump ME Plan 2025 (2025-02-08)
Can the Donald Trump Gaza Peace Plan End the Middle East Conflict?
Trump Won, What Next? (2025-01-14)
What Donald Trump's Government Needs to Do to Win in 2029
Trusting Government, Trusting Politicians, and the Cherie Blair Affair (2002-12-16)
Trusting government as an institution in the 21st century.
Turning the Other Cheek (2003-11-25)
How Turning the Other Cheek can be successful and where it fails ...
Tyranny, Despotism, Democracy and Rule of Law (2004-11-09)
A look at the current trends in modern government.
Ukraine 2022 (2022-01-27)
How Will the Present Ukraine Crisis End?
Understanding Democracy (2003-11-22)
Democracy in government and decision-making.
Understanding Protests (2003-03-28)
Protests - what are they, and when are they justified?
Understanding the 'Isms' (2002-03-19)
Socialism, Capitalism, Islamism ... keep busy human minds and mouths, but what is the essence of them all? ...
Understanding the Muslim Hijab (2004-01-18)
Not only the French Government, but most Muslims do not understand the purpose of the hijab ... We consider this issue again ...
Unemployment and Worklessness - Life Cycle of a Political Myth (2002-11-07)
The British government are re-branding "unemployment" as "worklessness" - is this the end of another political myth?
US Elections Win (2024-01-26)
The Landslide Recipe for 2024
US Iraq Opportunity (2004-08-14)
A happy ending to the Iraq War - will the US seize the chance?
Use of Torture in the War on Terror (2004-05-09)
Use of torture for political purposes is not new, but now torture has a special flavour ... Why?
War on Terror (2001-12-20)
The Afghan war has not ended terrorism. Can a war do it, and if not, then what could?
Wars of Civilizations (2009-01-14)
Wars of Civilizations ... or What?
Was the Hutton Report a Whitewash? (2004-01-30)
Why people say that the Hutton Report is a "whitewash", and is this true?
What Michael Howard Beliefs are Worth? (2004-01-07)
Do Michael Howard's beliefs qualify him for the post of the British Prime Minister?
Who Creates Social Problems and Why? (2002-04-17)
'Social problems' are back in fashion! Now, it is the Conservative Party who seek to get hold of that safety buoy ...
Who is Fighting the US in Iraq? (2004-04-30)
Identifying the enemy in wars and sending the right signals ...
Who protects tyrants and incites wars? (2003-04-06)
We received an article saying that pacifists protect tyrants and incite wars. We comment on it.
Who Owns the Politicians? (2002-11-20)
Are 'our politicians' really ours? Exploring the demagogical usage of 'we'.
Who Will Govern Iraq and Does It Matter? (2003-04-17)
Who Will Govern Iraq - US, UN, an Iraqi, Sunni, Shia, Kurd - and does it Matter?
Who Won the Iran Elections? (2009-06-22)
Logical Proof v. Political Violence
Why Crimea and What Next? (2014-04-08)
The Russian "Foreign Policy" and the West
Why Did They Die in Iraq? (2003-06-26)
British soldiers were killed in Iraq and the British politicians are asking - Why?
Why Gaza Violence Again and What Next? (2014-07-16)
Why Kerry's Secret Talks Failed and What Will Work
Why Islam and Why Deaths in Spain? (2004-03-16)
Why Islam exists and when will the violence finish ...
Why London Bombs (2005-07-15)
Understanding the Appalling Vista Syndrome
Why Palestinian State (2012-05-08)
Who Invented the Palestinian State and Why
Why Terrorists Die Smiling? (2003-08-11)
Understanding the philosopy of the bomb.
Why the World Court of Justice (2001-10-16)
The motivation for the World Court of Justice.
Why the British Riots? (2011-08-10)
The British Riots, the Libyan War, and the High Moral Ground
Why They Hate Islam (2011-07-17)
Is the Spread of Islam Threatening the Western Civilization?
Why to Stop Islam (2009-12-27)
A Dialogue on Islam, Terrorism, Prophesy, Christianity and Human Nature
Why Trump? (2023-12-05)
Donald Trump and Democracy as We Know It
Why Ukraine and What Next? (2015-02-11)
The Problem of Ukraine, and How to Solve it
Will Cannibalism Become Socially Acceptable? (2004-02-01)
A recent case of cannibalism in Europe has raised some disgust. But for how long?
Will Brown Succeed Where Blair Failed? (2007-05-25)
Will Gordon Brown succeed in making the British Government truly honest, responsible and accountable?
Will the USA Become an Islamic State, Now That Saddam is Gone? (2003-05-01)
With the speculations about the possibility of an Islamic State in Iraq, it is time to ask ...
World Role for Britain and Blair (2002-02-04)
Tony Blair wants a world role for Britain and himself. But is he the man for the job? And what is that job?
Yemen War Answers (2015-06-08)
Response to Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person
Yemen War Questions (1) (2015-05-28)
Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person (1)
Yemen War Questions (2) (2015-06-04)
Yemen War Questions from a Yemeni Private Person (2)

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